Tuesday, July 3, 2012

(Un) Lucky Number Thirteen

So I had the worst possible day today. My air compressor in my car has gone out. In July. In Texas. July+Texas+no A/C= worst possible mood of my life. Oh, and it will be about seven hundred dollars to fix. So, I'm thinking today, I will just bust my ass to make as much as I possibly can on a morning shift. Henceforth, when I had a table of thirteen come in today, I was delightfully pleased because I had the biggest table of the restaurant in my section.

Needless to say, this group of all men was a ton of work. I held my composure when we had a curly fry mix-up and even when I was being demanded that I take every single one of the thirteen credit cards all at once, although I needed to get two lunches comped, because of an offer we had going on. Long story short, by the end of the two hours, I was in tears. Literally, bawling in my managers office. Four men skipped out on their tab-and the group as a whole only left me, maybe ten dollars (I think it was actually eight). Somehow, I owed Hooters more than what I had actually been tipped, and they were my only table. GM R-the cute manager- let me go home. I don't really know if it was pity or if I was suppose to go home. Regardless, I hopped and skipped my crying behind out of Hooters so fast, the tacky orange was a blur to me.

You never know if your tip is paying for somebody's rent, food for their children, or if they are depending on you to be decent enough to at least tip fifteen percent per person in order to get their car fixed so they can get to and from work and school. Be nice. Don't be one of these douche bags that make your waitress cry. No matter how shitty your day has been, tip based off service. In an establishment like Hooters, anywhere from twenty percent (for average service, which I made certain that I went above and beyond for these fellows) and on is acceptable. Never tip less than %15, unless the service is just awful. If the server is just totally rude and doing a bad job on purpose then it's appropriate to leave whatever you choose, although, you should leave a note or let someone know why your tip is so small. There is a point where tipping is insulting. For example, on of my tips off that table was one dollar on a twenty seven dollar ticket. Just keep your lousy freaking dollar. Honestly, it won't do shit. That's insulting on so many levels. Just don't tip. Check this out. http://www.lousytippers.com/database1_interface/Results/results_page.asp

Monday, July 2, 2012

Workout Like a Hooters Girl

Okay, so I haven't posted in a while. I have been a little busy regarding school and work and other things of little importance. I have received some suggestions as to what people want to read about. The first topic on the list is a question that many ladies, including myself before I was hired, ask/ ponder often. How do you "workout like a Hooter's girl?" The answer to that is full of agony and despair. Grab your yoga pants, tanks, and sneakers and get ready to sweat like a Hooter's girl. I will now tell you our secret workout.

There is not one.

The truth is, there is no set workout for a HG. Some girls, like models, happen to be naturally thin and need to do little to maintain their weight. Others, are health freaks who shop organic food only. I work with a variety of women who do a variety of things. Most of the girls couple moderately healthy eating (small salads for lunch or dinner with a plate of greasy, fattening hot wings once a week) with a run on the treadmill or elliptical. I work with one individual, who looks like a blonde version of Emma Watson, no joke, who shops only at Whole Food Store and eats tofu and bagels on a daily basis, runs daily, and does Lord knows what although we all know she is beautiful. No offense to Emma, I wish I could be that healthy. Some of the girls are even vegetarian and do nothing exercise wise to balance it out. Albeit, a Friday night at Hooters is my idea of working out five days a week.

Personally, I eat white meat and fish only- with a few exceptions here and there, but those are rare. I drink soy milk and a ton of water. My weakness is icecream, sweet tea, and coffee. I am one of those HG that eat moderately healthy and although I do not eat wings, I am not above a plate of greasy fried pickles every now and then. Exercise wise, I have a love for running and feel weird if I do not run at least every other day. I am an avid dancer, so usually, if I get that chance, I will bust out in ballet in my dining room or kitchen. I got lucky to have a passion for exercise. I do a lot of ab work outs. I find pleasure in the pain they cause. 

 Hooters encourages girls to be healthy and do things that they enjoy to work out. We do not have a specific work out requirement. If  you are serious about wanting to look like a HG, use makeup to highlight your features on your face, no tongue, nose, eyebrow, lip, or any other facial piercing is allowed (although some stores are more lenient than others; it just looks a little trashy on some girls). Fix your hair in a flattering manner. We are not allowed two tone colors, feather extensions, weird highlights, or unnatural hair colors like pink or blue. Take care of yourself. Drink plenty of water, be active, and do not rob the sandman of his eight hours of Z's. That late night TV show will be on "Hulu" in the morning. I would trade those bags under my eyes for TV anyday! Lastly, workout like a HG! Put all your effort into things you enjoy. Find the workout that best suits you, be it walking, running, abs, dancing, gardening, or swimming!! Just enjoy it.