Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I feel like my beginning at a new Hooters should not cause me so much anxiety. I have ultimately been successful in arming myself with weapons of mass destruction including the following:  vicious nails, as sun-kissed of a tan as I will ever have, a rigorous diet and exercise program, and a fabulous new push-up bra. The Boyfriend of mine, albeit supportive, is bamboozled by all the nerves. "It's just a job" and "But you've already worked at Hooters" I know has crossed his mind. Someday, men all over the world will be a tad more understanding of what it is like to be a woman; and though I cannot complain, because I got lucky; I will still wait until that day to come. I think women worldwide would have their stress and anxiety level reduced by at least half if men would at least act like they understood. Alas, for now, we will just let them stand there with the cutest, dumbest looks on their faces, scratching their heads. It's probably better off that way, anyhow.

1 comment:

  1. I interviewed at 2 different Hooters recently. Apparently after the interview they both said my application is on file for 30 days. Does this mean I did not get the job? Also my first interviewer said that she will give my application to the hiring manager. But I just realized today that all of the managers hire!
